Saturday, January 19, 2008

Contest, and Challenges, and Blog Posts, Oh My!!!

Moonrat – Where it’s at!

First, I have to point out a contest that our dear old moonrat is hosting. Moonie, also known as Editorial Ass, is hosting a contest to win a tee shirt with a Robert the Publisher gem of the winner’s choice. For those of you unfamiliar, go check out her blog, it’s fantabulous. The first contest is to write up your own jacket copy, author bio, and back cover copy, as you would for your publisher if your novel was accepted for publication... it’s a great exercise to zone in on your pitch, for those of us getting ready to query, and it is being a judged by an editor so it’s a nice opportunity for the aspiring masses...

She has a secondary contest for those who don’t have a book or are already with a publisher to write her an ode in iambic pentameter... you can enter both contests just for shits and giggles, if you prefer...

On to My Own Silliness:

I have no prizes, except pride in a job well done.... okay, there are no prizes. My last post was a meme and I tagged Travis Erwin, who had already completed the same meme and therefore declined... sorry I missed your original post, Travis (bad blog buddy). And I told him in comments that I’d come up with another just for him... ‘cause I’m evil that way... but on thinking about new memes, I decided a Writing Challenge would be far more fun...

Here’s the skinny:

Write a satire for your blog. It can be on any topic you like, and can be written as essay, news story, what ever mode you prefer. If you need an example, Stephen Parish recently posted a satire of his own volition that was a pretty good play on Swift’s A Modest Proposal. You can also look to The Onion or things of that nature for a good example... and if thoughts fail you, just get sarcastic.

It’s open to all; I’d love to read them. There’s no judge, no voting, and no prize, but it does make for a nice break to get to read a lot of creative, humorous writing by your friends in blogland, so pass it on to anyone who might want to play. If you drop me a link or let me know you’ve posted, I’ll drop by to visit and later put up a post with links to all the great satires floating about...

So, Travis, this one’s for you... It’s not a meme, but I think you might enjoy it anyway.


Mary Witzl said...

Why is it that every time I get really busy, something fun like this crops up? I want to do this, but wonder when I will find the time.

Now I'll be thinking of what I can possibly satire. The possibilities are endless, which makes it all the harder to choose.

Merry Monteleone said...

Hi Mary,

I know the feeling... It seems like that happens to me, too, and if I do go ahead with the fun bloggy stuff I feel guilty for letting the fiction slide for a day or two.

Do whatever you need to do, but if you do put up a satire, let me know so I can read it... well, I stop by often enough that I'll probably see it anyway :-)

Travis Erwin said...

Damn, I should have just done the first one again and told you it was new. Now I get a whole new homework assignment. Your worse than my third grade teacher Mrs. McCarthy and she was a Cardinals fan.

But I'll do it. Just for you. But give me a few days for proper reflection on a suitable topic.

Merry Monteleone said...


Did you just compare me to a Cardinals fan? You didn't did you? That's a terrible thing to say!!! Them's fightin' words, to be honest.

I look forward to your post, should be fun.

Tyhitia Green said...

If I had time, I'd participate. :*) Maybe next time, though!

Josephine Damian said...

Merry: I sent my entry to Moonie already, for better or worse, more than anything so I'd stop fussing with it.

Right now, I'm waiting till 6 PM to check the court clerk's website since I'm on standby for jury duty this week - gotta wait till 6 to see if I'm going in tomorrow. Hopefully, I'm not and can work on my entry post.

And I will do that meme! This contest has thrown me a curve ball!

Merry Monteleone said...

Hi Demon Hunter,

No worries! I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew this week, myself.

Hi Josephine,

Don't worry about the meme, just do it when you have time or need another entry post idea. I'm still tweaking my entry for moonrat, but I already had the back cover copy done, so she's getting it anyway! I'm going to do the iambic pentameter ode if I get a chance, too... though I think ello'll have me beat on sheer hilarity.

Good luck with the jury duty - hopefully some other wonderful citizen takes your place on that one.

Josephine Damian said...

Merry, according the the court clerk, no jurors need to report tomorrow. But there's still the rest of the week to get through.

I just posted my entry for all to see. I'm feeling rather naked and exposed right now!

Anonymous said...

Oh good! A writing challenge! I am glad to see those cropping up again. I joined Pinhole's recently, and now see that you've challenged us too. I'll post my entry when I finish the series I am re-posting now (Frankenstein, re-posting from the old place).

I had thought of issuing a writing challenge soon, but I think I will wait a while, since there are a couple of good ones out there right now. I'll let you know when I do.

Merry Monteleone said...

Hi Shelly,

You know, this is the same one I issued at the site that shall remain nameless... but I think I picked a rather bad time - even I'm too busy to do it right now... but if anyone feels like a blog entry idea, there it is...

If you do post one, drop a link so I know to check it out... I did notice your Frankenstein posts, I just haven't had time for a good literary discussion - I still have to track down the book for the February book club and I'm participating over at Mother Talk's book club boards... right now they have up Persian Girls and The Middle Place starts soon - both of which I was sent by the publishers to read in order to participate in the discussion... I still have to finish the second one, which is reading really well - Persian Girls was a fantastic read, too.

tripleZmom said...

Brilliant idea. I love it. And great examples. Every time I come by I get a new writing idea. How I love your blog.

I will let you know when my post is up.

Merry Monteleone said...

Yay, Jersey, can't wait to see it!!!!