Still not there, dammit! But not too bad, either. Here are my stats, for those counting and such:
Editing (4,000+ words on multiple projects) - 1 point
Fiction Submissions (unfortunately, no full-length which would have sent me straight up the koala ladder, but still not bad at 2 submissions) - 2 points
Essay Submissions - 1 point
Article Submissions - 1 point
New Fiction Written (not counting all the non-fiction words, dammit again) - 2 points
Altogether it's 7 points from the lofty Koala. Not bad, not as good as I wanted... Need to set a better writing schedule for March and my goal is to submit at least 4 articles and 1 or 2 essays along with upping my fiction word count. We'll see how it goes. Snipe at me when you see me lolly gagging around the blog-o-sphere, please :-)
How is your writing going?
Hm, not bad...
Thanks, McKoala,
I'm not completely happy with it, but it beats no points, I guess :-)
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